trait CommandHelperTrait
Controller helper trait.
Resolves item from the container using overloading.
Writes n newlines to output.
Writes string to output.
Writes string to output using the error writer.
Clears the screen.
Draws an alert.
Rings the terminal bell n times.
Counts down from n.
Draws a progress bar and returns a progress bar instance.
Draws a table.
Draws an ordered list.
Draws an unordered list.
Writes question to output and returns boolesn value corresponding to the chosen value.
Writes question to output and returns user input.
Prints out a list of options and returns the array key of the chosen value.
Writes question to output and returns hidden user input.
in ContainerAwareTrait at line 66
setContainer(Container $container)
Sets the container instance.
in ContainerAwareTrait at line 77
__get(string $key)
Resolves item from the container using overloading.
at line 39
nl(int $lines = 1, int $writer = Output::STANDARD)
Writes n newlines to output.
at line 50
write(string $string, int $writer = Output::STANDARD)
Writes string to output.
at line 60
error(string $string)
Writes string to output using the error writer.
at line 68
Clears the screen.
at line 80
alert(string $message, string $template = Alert::DEFAULT, int $writer = Output::STANDARD)
Draws an alert.
at line 90
bell(int $times = 1)
Rings the terminal bell n times.
at line 100
countdown(int $from = 5)
Counts down from n.
at line 113
protected ProgressBar
progressBar(int $items, float $minTimeBetweenRedraw = 0.1, string|null $prefix = null)
Draws a progress bar and returns a progress bar instance.
at line 140
table(array $columnNames, array $rows, int $writer = Output::STANDARD)
Draws a table.
at line 152
ol(array $items, string $marker = '<yellow>%s</yellow>.', int $writer = Output::STANDARD)
Draws an ordered list.
at line 164
ul(array $items, string $marker = '<yellow>*</yellow>', int $writer = Output::STANDARD)
Draws an unordered list.
at line 176
protected bool
confirm(string $question, string $default = 'n')
Writes question to output and returns boolesn value corresponding to the chosen value.
at line 188
protected mixed
question(string $question, mixed $default = null)
Writes question to output and returns user input.
at line 200
protected int
select(string $question, array $options)
Prints out a list of options and returns the array key of the chosen value.
at line 213
protected mixed
secret(string $question, mixed $default = null, bool $fallback = false)
Writes question to output and returns hidden user input.