abstract class Relation extends Query
Base relation.
Eager load chunk size. |
protected Connection | $connection | Database connection. | from Query |
protected HelperInterface | $helper | Query helper. | from Query |
protected Compiler | $compiler | Query compiler. | from Query |
protected mixed | $table | Database table. | from Query |
protected bool | $distinct | Select distinct? | from Query |
protected array | $commonTableExpressions | Common table expressions. | from Query |
protected array | $setOperations | Set operations. | from Query |
protected array | $columns | Columns from which we are fetching data. | from Query |
protected array | $wheres | WHERE clauses. | from Query |
protected array | $joins | JOIN clauses. | from Query |
protected array | $groupings | GROUP BY clauses. | from Query |
protected array | $havings | HAVING clauses. | from Query |
protected array | $orderings | ORDER BY clauses. | from Query |
protected int|null | $limit | Limit. | from Query |
protected int|null | $offset | Offset. | from Query |
protected bool|string|null | $lock | Lock. | from Query |
protected string|null | $prefix | Prefix. | from Query |
protected bool | $inSubqueryContext | Is the query in subquery context? | from Query |
static protected Closure|PaginationFactoryInterface | $paginationFactory | Pagination factory. | from Query |
protected ORM | $model | Instance of the model to hydrate. | from Query |
protected string | $modelClass | Class name of the model we're hydrating. | from Query |
protected array | $relationCounters | Relation count subqueries. | from Query |
protected ORM | $origin | Originating record. | |
protected string | $foreignKey | Foreign key. | |
protected bool | $lazy | Are we lazy load related records? |
Create a fresh compiler instance and clone set operation queries when we clone the query.
Executes the closure if the compiler is of the correct class.
Adds a recursive common table expression.
Sets the columns we want to select using raw SQL.
Adds a WHERE clause.
Adds a raw WHERE clause.
Adds a OR WHERE clause.
Adds a raw OR WHERE clause.
Adds a date comparison clause.
Adds a date comparison clause.
Adds a column comparison clause.
Adds a column comparison clause.
Adds a BETWEEN clause.
Adds a OR NOT BETWEEN clause.
Adds a date range clause.
Adds a date range clause.
Adds a date range clause.
Adds a date range clause.
Adds a IN clause.
Adds a IS NULL clause.
Adds a JOIN clause.
Adds a raw JOIN clause.
Adds a LEFT OUTER JOIN clause.
Adds a raw LEFT OUTER JOIN clause.
Adds a HAVING clause.
Adds a raw HAVING clause.
Adds a raw OR HAVING clause.
Adds a raw ORDER BY clause.
Adds a raw ascending ORDER BY clause.
Adds a raw descending ORDER BY clause.
Executes a SELECT query and returns the first row of the result set or NULL if nothing is found.
Returns a single record from the database.
Executes a SELECT query and returns an array containing all of the result set rows.
Executes a SELECT query and returns the value of the chosen column of the first row of the result set.
Executes a SELECT query and returns an array containing the values of the indicated 0-indexed column.
Executes a SELECT query and returns an array where the first column is used as keys and the second as values.
Executes a SELECT query and returns a generator that lets you iterate over the results.
Fetches data in batches and passes them to the processor closure.
Sets the selected column of the query to the chosen aggreate.
Returns the number of distinct values of the chosen column.
Inserts data into the chosen table and returns the auto increment id.
Returns a record using the value of its primary key.
Parses the count relation name and returns an array consisting of the relation name and the chosen alias.
Adds subqueries that count the number of related records for the chosen relations.
Returns the foreign key name.
Returns the keys used to eagerly load records.
Sets the criterion used when lazy loading related records.
Sets the criterion used when eager loading related records.
Eager loads records in chunks.
Returns a query instance used to build relation count subqueries.
Adjusts the query.
at line 61
__construct(Connection $connection, ORM $origin, ORM $model, string|null $foreignKey = null)
in Query at line 180
Create a fresh compiler instance and clone set operation queries when we clone the query.
in Query at line 193
Resets the query to its default state.
in Query at line 218
Sets the query to subquery context.
in Query at line 230
setPaginationFactory(Closure|PaginationFactoryInterface $factory)
Sets the pagination factory.
in Query at line 240
static PaginationFactoryInterface
Gets the pagination factory.
in Query at line 257
Returns the connection instance.
in Query at line 277
Returns the common set operations.
in Query at line 287
Returns the set operations.
in Query at line 297
Returns the database table.
in Query at line 307
Is it a distict select?
in Query at line 79
Returns the columns from which we are fetching data.
in Query at line 327
Returns WHERE clauses.
in Query at line 337
Returns JOIN clauses.
in Query at line 347
Returns GROUP BY clauses.
in Query at line 357
Returns HAVING clauses.
in Query at line 367
Returns ORDER BY clauses.
in Query at line 377
Returns the limit.
in Query at line 387
Returns the offset.
in Query at line 397
Returns the lock.
in Query at line 407
Returns the prefix.
in Query at line 419
forCompiler(string $compilerClass, Closure $query)
Executes the closure if the compiler is of the correct class.
in Query at line 437
with(string $name, array $columns, Subquery $query)
Adds a common table expression.
in Query at line 457
withRecursive(string $name, array $columns, Subquery $query)
Adds a recursive common table expression.
in Query at line 470
protected $this
setOperation(string $operation)
Adds a set operation.
in Query at line 490
Adds a UNION operation.
in Query at line 500
Adds a UNION ALL operation.
in Query at line 510
Adds a INTERSECT operation.
in Query at line 520
Adds a INTERSECT ALL operation.
in Query at line 530
Adds a EXCEPT operation.
in Query at line 540
Adds a EXCEPT ALL operation.
in Query at line 551
table(array|Raw|Subquery|string|null $table)
Sets table we want to query.
in Query at line 586
select(array $columns)
Sets the columns we want to select.
in Query at line 600
selectRaw(string $sql, array $parameters = [])
Sets the columns we want to select using raw SQL.
in Query at line 612
Select distinct?
in Query at line 628
where(array|Closure|string $column, string|null $operator = null, mixed $value = null, string $separator = 'AND')
Adds a WHERE clause.
in Query at line 667
whereRaw(array|string $column, array|string|null $operator = null, string|null $raw = null, string $separator = 'AND')
Adds a raw WHERE clause.
in Query at line 692
orWhere(array|Closure|string $column, string|null $operator = null, mixed $value = null)
Adds a OR WHERE clause.
in Query at line 705
orWhereRaw(array|string $column, array|string|null $operator = null, string|null $raw = null)
Adds a raw OR WHERE clause.
in Query at line 719
whereDate(string $column, string $operator, DateTimeInterface|string $date, string $separator = 'AND')
Adds a date comparison clause.
in Query at line 742
orWhereDate(string $column, string $operator, DateTimeInterface|string $date)
Adds a date comparison clause.
in Query at line 756
whereColumn(array|string $column1, string $operator, array|string $column2, string $separator = 'AND')
Adds a column comparison clause.
in Query at line 778
orWhereColumn(array|string $column1, string $operator, array|string $column2)
Adds a column comparison clause.
in Query at line 793
between(mixed $column, mixed $value1, mixed $value2, string $separator = 'AND', bool $not = false)
Adds a BETWEEN clause.
in Query at line 816
orBetween(mixed $column, mixed $value1, mixed $value2)
Adds a OR BETWEEN clause.
in Query at line 829
notBetween(mixed $column, mixed $value1, mixed $value2)
Adds a NOT BETWEEN clause.
in Query at line 842
orNotBetween(mixed $column, mixed $value1, mixed $value2)
Adds a OR NOT BETWEEN clause.
in Query at line 857
betweenDate(string $column, DateTimeInterface|string $date1, DateTimeInterface|string $date2, string $separator = 'AND', bool $not = false)
Adds a date range clause.
in Query at line 879
orBetweenDate(string $column, DateTimeInterface|string $date1, DateTimeInterface|string $date2)
Adds a date range clause.
in Query at line 891
notBetweenDate(string $column, DateTimeInterface|string $date1, DateTimeInterface|string $date2)
Adds a date range clause.
in Query at line 903
orNotBetweenDate(string $column, DateTimeInterface|string $date1, DateTimeInterface|string $date2)
Adds a date range clause.
in Query at line 917
in(mixed $column, array|Raw|Subquery $values, string $separator = 'AND', bool $not = false)
Adds a IN clause.
in Query at line 962
orNotIn(mixed $column, array|Raw|Subquery $values)
Adds a OR NOT IN clause.
in Query at line 975
isNull(mixed $column, string $separator = 'AND', bool $not = false)
Adds a IS NULL clause.
in Query at line 994
orIsNull(mixed $column)
Adds a OR IS NULL clause.
in Query at line 1005
isNotNull(mixed $column)
Adds a IS NOT NULL clause.
in Query at line 1016
orIsNotNull(mixed $column)
Adds a OR IS NOT NULL clause.
in Query at line 1029
exists(Subquery $query, string $separator = 'AND', bool $not = false)
Adds a EXISTS clause.
in Query at line 102
join(string $table, Closure|string $column1 = null, string $operator = null, string $column2 = null, string $type = 'INNER', bool $raw = false)
Adds a JOIN clause.
in Query at line 1121
joinRaw(string $table, string $column1, string $operator, string $raw, string $type = 'INNER')
Adds a raw JOIN clause.
in Query at line 1135
leftJoin(string $table, Closure|string $column1 = null, string $operator = null, string $column2 = null)
Adds a LEFT OUTER JOIN clause.
in Query at line 1149
leftJoinRaw(string $table, string $column1, string $operator, string $raw)
Adds a raw LEFT OUTER JOIN clause.
in Query at line 1160
groupBy(array|string $columns)
Adds a GROUP BY clause.
in Query at line 1176
having(Raw|string $column, string $operator, mixed $value, string $separator = 'AND')
Adds a HAVING clause.
in Query at line 1198
havingRaw(string $raw, string $operator, mixed $value, string $separator = 'AND')
Adds a raw HAVING clause.
in Query at line 1211
orHaving(string $column, string $operator, mixed $value)
Adds a OR HAVING clause.
in Query at line 1224
orHavingRaw(string $raw, string $operator, mixed $value)
Adds a raw OR HAVING clause.
in Query at line 1236
orderBy(array|Raw|string $columns, string $order = 'ASC')
Adds a ORDER BY clause.
in Query at line 1255
orderByRaw(string $raw, array $parameters = [], string $order = 'ASC')
Adds a raw ORDER BY clause.
in Query at line 1266
ascending(array|string $columns)
Adds an ascending ORDER BY clause.
in Query at line 1278
ascendingRaw(string $raw, array $parameters = [])
Adds a raw ascending ORDER BY clause.
in Query at line 1289
descending(array|string $columns)
Adds a descending ORDER BY clause.
in Query at line 1301
descendingRaw(string $raw, array $parameters = [])
Adds a raw descending ORDER BY clause.
in Query at line 1311
Clears the ordering clauses.
in Query at line 1324
limit(int $limit)
Adds a LIMIT clause.
in Query at line 1337
offset(int $offset)
Adds a OFFSET clause.
in Query at line 1350
lock(bool|string $lock = true)
Enable lock.
in Query at line 1362
Enable shared lock.
in Query at line 1373
prefix(string $prefix)
Adds a query prefix.
in Query at line 1386
protected mixed
fetchFirst(mixed ...$fetchMode)
Executes a SELECT query and returns the first row of the result set or NULL if nothing is found.
at line 191
Returns a single record from the database.
in Query at line 1421
protected array|ResultSet
fetchAll(bool $returnResultSet, mixed ...$fetchMode)
Executes a SELECT query and returns an array containing all of the result set rows.
at line 203
Returns a result set from the database.
in Query at line 1446
column(string $column = null)
Executes a SELECT query and returns the value of the chosen column of the first row of the result set.
in Query at line 1464
columns(string $column = null)
Executes a SELECT query and returns an array containing the values of the indicated 0-indexed column.
in Query at line 1483
pairs(string $key, string $value)
Executes a SELECT query and returns an array where the first column is used as keys and the second as values.
in Query at line 1498
protected Generator
fetchYield(mixed ...$fetchMode)
Executes a SELECT query and returns a generator that lets you iterate over the results.
in Query at line 1520
protected int
Returns the number of records that the query will return.
in Query at line 533
batch(Closure $processor, int $batchSize = 1000, int $offsetStart = 0, int|null $offsetEnd = null)
Fetches data in batches and passes them to the processor closure.
in Query at line 546
protected mixed
aggregate(string $function, array|string $column)
Sets the selected column of the query to the chosen aggreate.
Executes the query and returns the result if not in subquery context.
in Query at line 1629
min(string $column)
Returns the minimum value for the chosen column.
in Query at line 1640
max(string $column)
Returns the maximum value for the chosen column.
in Query at line 1651
sum(string $column)
Returns sum of all the values in the chosen column.
in Query at line 1662
avg(string $column)
Returns the average value for the chosen column.
in Query at line 1673
count(string $column = '*')
Returns the number of rows.
in Query at line 1684
countDistinct(array|string $column)
Returns the number of distinct values of the chosen column.
in Query at line 115
insert(array $values = [])
Inserts data into the chosen table.
in Query at line 1709
insertAndGetId(array $values, string $primaryKey = 'id')
Inserts data into the chosen table and returns the auto increment id.
in Query at line 143
update(array $values)
Updates data from the chosen table.
in Query at line 171
increment(string $column, int $increment = 1)
Increments column value.
in Query at line 193
decrement(string $column, int $decrement = 1)
Decrements column value.
in Query at line 215
Deletes data from the chosen table.
in Query at line 243
get(int|string $id, array $columns = [])
Returns a record using the value of its primary key.
in Query at line 259
including(array|false|string $includes)
Adds relations to eager load.
in Query at line 301
excluding(array|string|true $excludes)
Removes relations to eager load.
in Query at line 336
protected array
parseRelationCountName(string $relation)
Parses the count relation name and returns an array consisting of the relation name and the chosen alias.
in Query at line 354
withCountOf(array|string $relations)
Adds subqueries that count the number of related records for the chosen relations.
in Query at line 403
protected array
Parses includes.
in Query at line 440
loadIncludes(array $results)
Load includes.
in Query at line 458
protected array
hydrateModelsAndLoadIncludes(mixed $results)
Returns hydrated models.
in Query at line 564
scope(string $scope, mixed ...$arguments)
Calls a scope method on the model.
at line 80
protected string
Returns the foreign key name.
at line 96
protected array
keys(array $results)
Returns the keys used to eagerly load records.
at line 111
Sets the criterion used when lazy loading related records.
at line 122
protected $this
eagerCriterion(array $keys)
Sets the criterion used when eager loading related records.
at line 135
protected ResultSet
eagerLoadChunked(array $keys)
Eager loads records in chunks.
at line 168
protected $this
Returns a query instance used to build relation count subqueries.
at line 178
Adjusts the query.